Viddler provides a number of methods to give you fine-grained control over your videos. Please note that not all Privacy/Sharing Options are available to all account types.
Viewing Permissions Settings
Viddler provides a number of methods to keep your videos as public or as private as you would like:
This is the most restrictive setting. Only you (or other users logged-in to your account) will have access to the video. You are not able to share with others or embed the video on another page.
Invitation only
Not available to Professional-level accounts
Videos can be shared by sending the user a special link to the video in order to view. The videos can be watched on viddler.com, and embedded on your website.
Domain Restricted
Not available to Professional-level accounts
Videos can only be viewed on domains you allow in the “Allowed domains” (previously known as 'whitelisted domains') section. You are still able to view them on viddler.com when logged-in to your account. Embedding is enabled in this mode.
Videos are viewable by everyone, both on viddler.com (as long as your account privacy is Public) and wherever they may be embedded.
Video Interaction Settings
Users are able to comment on the video. This includes both on viddler.com and on the player timeline.
Allows users to obtain the embed code inside the player (to embed on their own site). With this setting set to “Only Me” You are still able to embed the video.
Users are able to add a tag to the video on viddler.com and on the player timeline.
This setting will allow your users to download the video file in the formats we offer.
Comment Moderation
Available as an add-on for accounts that require it, the comment moderation features allow you to choose from the following settings:
- No moderation—Comments are available as soon as they are submitted.
- Hold all new comments for review—Comments must be manually approved by you before they are available.
- Hold new comments which may contain profanity—Comments that contain certain key words are held in the moderation queue for you to approve.
- Deny new comments which may contain profanity—Disallow and remove any comment that contains any profanity.
Age Gate
Viddler’s age gate system helps prevent younger viewers from viewing videos you deem inappropriate for them in a fashion that follows the ESRB Code of Conduct guidelines. We allow you to set an age requirement on a per-video basis. For more details, read [[this article]].
Private Account
Not available to Professional-level accounts
If you’d like to hide your entire account/profile (including all your videos) from showing up when someone browses viddler.com, you can request our team to switch it for you. New accounts are private by default.
Setting Defaults for newly uploaded Videos
Viewing Permissions
Default settings for viewing permissions can be changed on the Privacy Settings page. Changing your default setting will not change your previously updated videos. If you need to change the settings for previously uploaded videos see this section.
Allowed Domains (previously known as 'whitelisted domains')
Not available to Professional-level accounts
Allowed domains can also be changed on the Viewing Permissions section. These settings apply to any video marked “Domain restricted”.
The recommended formatting are as follows: example.com, *.example.com - The former is for the top-level domain (TLD) and the latter is a catchall for any subdomains (including 'www'). Nested subdomains can follow the aforementioned format, too: *.*.example.com
Note: There's no need to enter 'http://', 'www', nor '/index.html' (or any other directories) before or after the URL.
Video Interaction Settings
Default Video Interaction settings can be changed on the Interaction Settings page.
Changing Settings for Individual Videos
All settings for Individual Videos can be changed by clicking on the “Public” (or “Private”) Link below the video’s title in Your Videos, or by clicking on the Edit button for that particular video.
Changing settings for Multiple Videos using Bulk Actions
To edit the settings of multiple videos at a time, check the boxes (or click the Select/Deselect all button) to the left of the videos you’d like to edit in Your Videos. When the videos you’d like to edit are selected, click on the “Edit videos” button to launch the bulk editor.
The bulk editor allows you to change a number of settings:
- Add to playlists—Add a video to a playlist or create a new one. Type in the list name and then press enter/return.
- Video privacy—Change the video privacy settings.
- Comment moderation—Change the comment moderation setting.
- Viewer Interactions—Change the Video interaction settings (as described in the above section).
- Age gate—Alter the minimum age requirement for your video.
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